Turning Your Karma into Grace

Art by Olga Demidova

Jupiter square Saturn: Should I stay or should I go?

On Christmas Eve, Jupiter squares Saturn, shaking the foundations of our lives and challenging the way we think. The whole of December falls under the tightening grip of this square.   Jupiter and Saturn are the two planets most connected to the meaning of life.   Their square pits them in a wrestling match which Saturn…

Art by Angu Walters and Evanson Mein

The Make-it-or-Break-it Years: Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2043

On November 19 2024, Pluto, God of Hell enters Aquarius, Sign of the Water Bearer, for 19 years. The hell of our time is that we’re filled with so much love, hope, promise, creativity, kindness and compassion, yet have been dominated by our failure to own our shadow.   We’ve gotten conquered by outer forces…

Photo by Robert Jahns

Unearthing New Power to Replace Dying Tyrants

Pluto back in Capricorn:   On September 1 dark Pluto reentered Capricorn for the final time during any of our lifetimes, but only stays there till November before diving into Aquarius for the next 19 years. This less-than-three-month final bout with Capricorn (coinciding with U.S. presidential elections) challenges you to get right with power, how…

Image by Julieta Suarez Valente

The future squaring off with the past: Jupiter square Saturn

On August 19, Jupiter at 18° Gemini forms an exact 90-degree angle with Saturn at 18° Pisces, the astrological aspect known as a square.   The purpose of a square is to weigh down the gravitational pull of a situation, pressurizing it so instead of ignoring it, you take its gravity into your heart, soul,…

Image of a tiger staring out from under wet leaves.

Shelter from the Storm

From May to September this year Neptune sits at 30° Pisces, a very powerful, mythopoetic portal of the zodiac that leads out of consensus reality into transformative zones known to mystics and medicine journeyers.   It’s rare for Neptune to spend so much time on a single degree, so let’s look at what this shamanic…

Artwork by Autumn Skye

Sun conjunct Venus: Returning to the Source

During the whole month of June this year the Sun remains in conjunction with Venus, opening a channel for you to touch into the radiant center of your being. The Sun in astrology stands for your full blossoming, your maximum shine. Venus is your sacred inner sanctuary.   Venus conjunctions, unlike Mars conjunctions, only become…

Art by Mary Southard

Outer Chaos Pitched Against Inner Truth

For most of May the four main asteroids, Vesta, Juno, Ceres and Pallas are on the opposite side of the sky from the eleven astrological planets, setting up dynamic tension. The asteroids tend to seduce us away from our truth until we get far enough away to wake up to the seduction, and take steps…

Mark Borax's monthly Cosmic Weather Report

Video Blog: post-eclipse report

Eclipses trigger sensitive points and cast waves that can last for a year. This week’s Solar Eclipse in 20° Aries is making waves in the area of the missing piece, or x-factor, that supplies self-wholeness and relationship growth. I broadcast this 40-minute video live two days ago and want to share the recording with any…


Total Solar Eclipse: Nature trumps Man

The big cosmic news this month is the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 at 2:21 pm eastern, at 20° Aries, a point of the zodiac which demands we come to terms with the missing piece, the elusive x-factor needed to restore wholeness. Eclipses are dramatic celestial events that surpass most cosmic weather to stun…


Diving Headlong Into The Mystery

Since Pluto resumed its 20-year excursion through Aquarius at the end of last month, and the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th launches the Year of the Dragon, the Water Bearer has become the Sign of Our Time.   All this Aquarian energy summons one of the main themes of the sign: the contrast…