On November 19 2024, Pluto, God of Hell enters Aquarius, Sign of the Water Bearer, for 19 years. The hell of our time is that we’re filled with so much love, hope, promise, creativity, kindness and compassion, yet have been dominated by our failure to own our shadow. We’ve gotten conquered by outer forces…
Read MorePluto back in Capricorn: On September 1 dark Pluto reentered Capricorn for the final time during any of our lifetimes, but only stays there till November before diving into Aquarius for the next 19 years. This less-than-three-month final bout with Capricorn (coinciding with U.S. presidential elections) challenges you to get right with power, how…
Read MoreSince Pluto resumed its 20-year excursion through Aquarius at the end of last month, and the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th launches the Year of the Dragon, the Water Bearer has become the Sign of Our Time. All this Aquarian energy summons one of the main themes of the sign: the contrast…
Read MoreTwo main factors dominate the cosmic weather of the new year; one occurs every twelve years, and the other about every 250 years. Let’s begin with the more frequent: the flight of the dragon. Oriental animal years are based on commonly-known beasts such as rats, oxen, tigers, cats and so forth, except for the exception…
Read MoreTapping the deepest source to release the truest power On Nov 4 Saturn goes direct in the first degree of Pisces. Saturn is the voice of Authority. In Soul Level Astrology that voice originates in the soul. According to Rudolf Steiner, after you died in your last life you advanced through a series of counsels…
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