About Mark Borax


Mark Borax uses astrology to free the magical, soulful side of human beings. In his readings, broadcasts, books, newsletters and in-person lectures that combine music with talk, he spins tales of transformation that begin evolving people on the spot.


Welcome to the world of Soul Level Astrology. I’m Mark Borax. I created Soul Level Astrology in 1987, a method of using your birth chart to identify your core nature, or soul, which is the deepest part of you. Your soul force permeates every cell of your body. It was there before you were born and continues after you die. It came from eternity for some purpose only you can achieve. I investigate this purpose when we work together.

Today’s world is filled with chaos and confusion. My 60-minute sessions have helped thousands of people get down to their core force and life purpose, which provides a rudder through the changing tides.

I study your chart in advance, and we set up a consultation by Zoom, unless you come to my Vermont home.

For my travel schedule sign up for my Cosmic Weather Report monthly e-newsletter.

indian profile

“I’ll never forget that first incredible reading. A month ago my world shifted suddenly and radically. I lost my definition. Your message actually brought me to tears. Your clear sight enabled me to see the deepest innermost parts of myself more clearly. Your dedication and devotion liberated me into more fully being who I am.”

Shelly Spencer

Journalist, Hawaii

“This was truly the most profound and transformative reading I’ve had. No one has ever articulated so clearly the key dynamics of my present situation and current lifetime.”


Musician, Eugene, Oregon

“I want to communicate with you the impact of our session. Within the hour of getting off the phone, exactly what you had said had occurred—you opened a direct connection to my soul. I don’t know how else to say it.”


Transformative Therapist, Friday Harbor, Washington

Mark Borax, Author

Mark Borax has been a nomadic poet his whole life. In the late seventies he traveled the U.S. and Canada performing and selling his poetry. In the mid-eighties, Mark was befriended by his adolescent idol, Ray Bradbury, who became his literary godfather, believing in Mark's writing even though it was taking forever.

In 1984 he became a comic book writer and the managing editor of Comics Interview magazine. In 1998 Mark rode his Harley Davidson through the U.S. and Europe, stopping for a year in the Tuscan countryside of Northern Italy. Mark's first book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, is a worldwide bestseller that describes the author's seven-year apprenticeship to visionary astrologer Ellias Lonsdale. Under the redwoods of northern California they created a mystery school which birthed a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, that helps people contact their core nature and life purpose. Mark's second book (co-authored with Lonsdale) is a Cosmic Weather Report that inspires readers to rethink the whole purpose of humankind and bring on a new future.

His third book, The Ruby Heart of the Dragon, is a radical revision of the twelve Sun Signs, now available on Amazon.